According to data from ABRES (Brazilian Internship Association), one in ten higher education students does some type of internship. In addition to interns' desire to learn, this is due to the advantages and savings that students provide to organizations. However, these companies need to follow some rules when hiring an intern.
Recently amended, the Internship Law No. 11,788, of September 25, 2008 , regulates the hiring of interns with the aim of improving their working conditions. The text changes the way companies relate to these students and, below, you can check out the main points.
Is an internship mandatory?
An internship is only mandatory when this characteristic is defined whatsapp mexico number as such in the course project, whose workload is a requirement for approval and obtaining a diploma. Otherwise, when it is developed as an optional activity, the internship is characterized as non-mandatory.
An intern's work week can range from 20 to 40 hours, depending on a number of factors. In addition, students may work fewer hours during exam periods.
20 hours
The 4-hour workload per day is valid for special education students and those in the final years of elementary school in the professional modality of youth and adult education.
30 hours
The 6-hour daily workload is applied to students in higher education, secondary vocational education and regular secondary education.
40 hours
Finally, the 40 hours per week are applied in the case of internships related to courses that alternate theory and practice, outside the hours stipulated for face-to-face classes.
In the case of non-mandatory internships, the amount of compensation must be defined by both parties. However, it is mandatory to offer insurance against work accidents, whose policy is compatible with market values, and also transportation assistance.
After 12 months at the company, interns are entitled to 30 days of paid vacation. However, an internship at the same company cannot exceed two years.
Number of interns
The number of students completing internships at a company varies according to the total number of employees. Companies with up to five employees can have one intern; companies with six to ten employees can have two; companies with 11 to 25 employees can have five; and companies with more than 25 employees can have up to 20% of the team made up of interns.
As previously explained, the company must offer insurance against work accidents and transportation assistance in the case of non-mandatory internships. Regarding the granting of a scholarship or other form of compensation, assistance is also mandatory and must be agreed upon in the Internship Commitment Agreement.
Other responsibilities of the company
When hiring an intern, the company must indicate an employee from its staff, with training or professional experience in the same area as the intern's course, to guide and supervise up to ten interns simultaneously.
It is also necessary to send an activity report to the educational institution, at least every six months, which must be seen by the intern. And, in the case of dismissal, it will be necessary to submit a term of completion of the internship with a summary of the activities developed and the evaluation of the student's performance.
It is important to highlight that if the company does not comply with all these rules to hire an intern and is a repeat offender, it will be prevented from carrying out this activity for a period of two years.
The main rules for hiring an intern
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