Its purpose is to determine the relative importance of a given web page in a network (e.g., the World Wide Web) and to understand its relevance to a query.
Larry Page, from whom it also takes its name, it is measured on a logarithmic scale of values that goes from 0 to 10 .
It is one of the many ranking factors considered by the indonesia whatsapp mobile number search engine to determine the authority and positioning of a page.
Initially, a website's PageRank was visible to everyone thanks to the Google Toolbar, a colored bar that showed the numerical score attributed to a web page.
However, in 2014 Google decided to eliminate the Toolbar to make it more difficult to buy and sell high PR links.

The Formula: How to Calculate PageRank?
Here is the formula for calculating PageRank initially developed by the founders of Google, whose score is on a logarithmic basis:
Google PageRank Formula
Keyword Density, Frequency, Prominence and Proximity: 2024 Guide
Keyword Density
Keyword Density in SEO is one of the oldest and most discussed concepts, between reality and science fiction.