A concept explained very well by Raffaele Gaito during his webinar on the topic of Growth Hacking , and which is also well rooted in the marketing strategies of a Content Specialist.
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Getting (finally!) to the heart of the free spain number for whatsapp matter, what can we mean by data driven content ?
They are contents created starting from data (open data or data in your possession) to create “homemade” news, analyses, research or studies.
For more information, read: Data-Driven Content Marketing: Learn How to Do It with SEMrush .
Your best sources for tapping into these types of content could be (depending on your brand, your technical skills, the market in which your brand or client operates):
social data/analytics;
open and free databases;
numerous public information contained in other websites or e-commerce sites (for example: prices, reviews, ratings, etc.);
our own customers, suppliers, colleagues, stakeholders to interview.
Don’t get me wrong: you can create data-driven content without having to dive into the complex (and very technical) world of big data. But it is a type of content that ties in well with this concept: using a mass of information to tell a “story” based on data, whether quantitative or qualitative.
Thanks to this type of content we can enjoy a special fuel to achieve some of the most important content marketing goals for 2020 and beyond:
don't copy, but be copied by others. In fact, do digital PR without doing digital PR;
brand awareness ;
opinion leader positioning with potentially viral content .
But is it Muhammad (the Objective) who goes to the mountain (the data), or the mountain that goes to Muhammad?
Undoubtedly the first scenario. But with a warning as big (precisely) as a mountain: be careful not to bend the data and information to the will of the objective you want to achieve with that content.

For example: an exotic travel aggregator portal could aggregate and analyze all the searches made and search keys used by users within it.
It could face a scenario like: 38% of searches for “wild islands”; 12% “savannah”; 25% “tropical forests”; 10% “Yeti”; 15% “secret caves”.
These are the “mountains” of Mohammed. But the “Mohammed-Objective” of the content cannot be '38% of Italians prefer adventurous islands to cities of art'. If anything, it could take a snapshot of: 'The 5 most sought-after adventurous destinations by Italians'. Clear, right?
Handling data and information to make content that will be shared, today more than ever, is above all an ethical matter : 1) we are promoting our brand, but above all 2) we are educating our audience, potential and real. So I recommend: ethics above business!