That being said, I can easily set some parameters to help guide you.

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That being said, I can easily set some parameters to help guide you.

Post by yamim222 »

After clicking the account name, a user will see the articles for that account. In the image below, you can see the article feed for just that one account. Each article has a title, description (概要) and big teaser image.

Something important to note is that you don’t need to think about WeChat’s algorithm at all because WeChat’s chats are organized based on the recency of the last message.

Your followers will see updates for all the accounts they follow, and korea phone number may or may not choose to click through, so you can apply all your focus on the users, rather than trying to guess what an algorithm will do.

What makes a great WeChat article title? Like any great marketing writing, is tough to pin down.

I asked an NMG team member how she came up with a title for a particularly popular article. But she wasn’t really able to tell me… It simply came to her. You see, there can be a kind of creative, imaginative magic to content creation that is hard to explain.


Keep it short.

A title can be up to 64 characters long, but it will only show up to 31 characters. Because of the way the Chinese language works, that gives you quite a bit of space for a title. 31 characters can make up about 12-18 words.

Feel free to make your title shorter than the visible length. Short, punchy titles normally outperform overly wordy ones.

Don’t use clickbait.

It might help with open rates for that individual article, but users probably won’t read it or share it. Plus, they’ll be less likely to open your future articles since they won’t trust you as much (more on this below).

Speak their language: Use the exact words of your target audiences. ​

Are you selling raspberries but your potential customers are all calling them “razzberries”? Then let grammar take a backseat, because it turns out you’re in the business of selling razzberries!

This tip is especially useful for professional services agencies. They can have a habit of giving their services overly complex buzzword names.

Lightly optimize for search.

Besides finding your article via feeds, users can find it via WeChat search too. If it makes sense to add search keywords to the article, do so.

But make this a much lower priority than attracting your followers to click and open.

As a sidenote, you might want to reformat and repost your WeChat articles in other places such as Zhihu, because that will help you pickup more search traffic. Check the massive China Digital Marketing 101 for more info.

Indicate what type of content it is.

Is it a “How To” post? Then say it.

One of the popular terms our team has been using this year is “干货”, which is pronounced “Ganhuo” and means “Dried Goods”. It’s used in the title of articles that get straight to the point and give the reader some actionable info.

Example: “干货 | Postern代理工具使用指南” (Dried Goods – Postern Agent Tool Guide).

Other clickable things to include:
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