The organization is prepared for changes in the external environment, which allows it to easily overcome obstacles that arise in the process of production activities.
A thorough study of potential staffing needs enables a company to effectively manage human resources.
The organization gets a chance to avoid hiring an excessive number of employees for a particular position or, on the contrary, experience a shortage of personnel.
Personnel policy and planning create conditions for the italy business mailing list development of effective training programs and ensure continuity when changing management personnel.
Management quickly evaluates the positive qualities and shortcomings of the company's employees and HR policies.
The efficiency of business processes is growing.
Factors Affecting Workforce Planning
Personnel planning and management are carried out taking into account external and internal impacts on production. If there is a shortage of specialists in a particular profession in the region, the employer will inevitably have difficulties in forming the staff. Additional expenses will be required to solve these problems.

Factors Affecting Workforce Planning
A candidate can be attracted by higher wages or other material benefits. This should be taken into account in the process of implementing the company's personnel policy. Let us dwell in more detail on the external and internal factors that influence the selection of specialists and business processes.
External factors
External factors are uncontrollable events and can occur at any time. However, some of them can be predicted, and then measures can be developed that can minimize possible negative consequences. External factors include:
the socio-economic situation in the country, for example, a recession or, on the contrary, an acceleration of economic growth;
labour market conditions - unemployment, lack of qualified personnel, presence or absence of specialized educational institutions in the region;
mass integration of new technologies;
reforms or amendments to legislation.
Internal factors
Internal factors influencing personnel planning and personnel policy are determined directly by the company's management. This is expressed, for example, in a change in the tactical or strategic goals of the organization. Internal factors influencing personnel policy include:
the organization’s objectives are to increase profitability, stability, etc.;
incentive activities - high level of wages, various types of bonuses, free set lunches, a fitness center for employees, etc.;
management methods;
personnel training - payment for courses, classes, trainings;
personnel management - career advancement, distribution of competencies, etc.
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Types of HR planning
Personnel planning can be long-term, medium-term or short-term. Long-term planning covers a five-year period. It takes into account such factors as personnel needs, labor market conditions, and external conditions. The data obtained are the basis for developing a plan that reflects the company's need for specialists of a certain qualification for the future.
Types of HR planning
The basis of short-term planning is the operational plan. It is designed for a period of up to one year and is divided into time intervals.
Operational personnel planning is aimed at forecasting:
the size and composition of the workforce;
the number of employees who belong to the management level;
specialists of different levels and qualifications;
number of service personnel.
Short-term planning is based on information obtained by filling out questionnaires or as a result of a personal survey:
Number of permanent employees with personal data, date of employment and length of service.
The current personnel structure, classified according to such criteria as education, length of service, gender, and other criteria.
Percentage of staff turnover.
Average duration of employee absence from work due to illness and associated losses to the company.
Duration of the working day.
Employee salaries with differentiation of monetary amounts (remuneration, compensation, other payments).
Social contributions.
The information provided by the employee must be confirmed by relevant documents and certificates. To make it convenient to work with, each company develops special forms for this purpose, which can be filled out both during a personal visit to the company and online.
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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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