We know that things can change overnight, that a problem or difficulty can arise. A no-show is always the end of the world. But it is extremely important to understand why it happens, especially when it happens frequently, and to detect if it is our fault or a simple coincidence.
Other priorities or occupations
This reason is one of the most common reasons why a No-Show occurs. It happens because our prospect does not give the call or presentation the priority it deserves. It can happen that it is intentional and the person simply does not want to show up, but it can also happen that an event beyond our control prevents the person from showing up or participating in the demo.
When a prospect prioritizes something else over a meeting What You Will Get Inside The Engineer Database with you, it's because they don't understand the value you can bring to them.
Emergencies or unforeseen events
When the No-show happens for this reason, there is not much you can do. Emergencies are just that, emergencies. You can't avoid coincidences and usually when a lead has an emergency, they get lost for a long time and focus their attention on what you are presenting them.
5 Tips to Eliminate No-Shows
1) Personalize and make your demonstrations interactive
According to studies, it has been shown that presentations that are not interactive or personalized and do not demonstrate the value of the product to the lead. They result in a waste of time, because the prospect never buys or is not interested.
This is because the person has never understood the value of the product that is presented to him and how it can help him improve his results and his business. Therefore, it is necessary that when making a demo, you personalize it and show your prospect how what you are selling him will help him, with interactive and original examples