64. Curated Content
Content that’s been hand-picked.
65. cPanel
A tool offered by all of the best hosting plans and providers that makes it easier algeria phone number material users to configure the technical settings of their own accounts without needing technical support.
66. Celeblog
A blog that details the lives of celebrities. Similar to a tabloid mag, these blogs often feature embarrassing photos of celebrities taken by the paparazzi.
Cleblog Celebrity Blog Post (Blogging Terms Glossary)
67. Clix
A blogger’s personal circle of online communities.
68. Collaborative blog
Also called a group blog, where multiple bloggers post their thoughts on a particular issue on a single blog.
69. Comment spam
When spambots flood a blog post with fake comments.
70. Comped
Something that’s been given for free to a blogger, usually in exchange for a review (like my Bluehost reviews compilation, for example) or shoutout on social media.
71. Cost Per Click
Also known as CPC, this is a measurement of how much you spend for each click an advertisement of yours receives on an ad platform like Google or Facebook.
64. Curated Content Content that’s been
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- Joined: Tue Dec 24, 2024 3:53 am