intelligent marketing systems. How can you prepare for this now?

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intelligent marketing systems. How can you prepare for this now?

Post by arzina998 »

“Change is indeed upon us”
The idea of ​​Artificial Intelligence is that you use that computing power to make a computer reason and solve problems independently. Computers imitate the intelligence of a human. What will that look like in the future? It basically means that computers can take over all the repetitive work from people. Our marketing systems will then also look completely different.

“Change is indeed upon us, the AI ​​train has left the station”, says George Bethell. In practice, this means that in the future we will have super-

Connect all marketing stacks. So make sure your systems and data are integrated. That way you can use all this data as efficiently as possible in the future.
Develop talents of your employees. Think of SEO or SEA experts in particular. People who know how to handle large data sets and algorithms, and understand how to read statistics.
Start by building a dataset that is as complete hotel email address list as possible. After all, the most important thing is that your dataset is correct and complete. Those who start recording data correctly now can benefit from it later.
2. And speaking of your job, what does it look like in the future?
It is clear that we are automating more and more work. Where in the distant past 41 percent of our working population worked in the agricultural sector, now only 2%. So we have automated that quite a bit. Now the service sector. And with AI on the way, the automation of service provision will not be long in coming either.

Work becomes invisible
'But wait a minute', I hear you think, 'will I still have a job?'. The good news is that we – marketing and communication specialists – are working in the right field. In the future, it will all be about creativity. 'Creativity is the new productivity', according to John Ridpath of Decoded. Employees who are not only creative, but also have the necessary technical knowledge, will certainly be worth their weight in gold in a few years. Hard work will therefore occur less and less in the coming years. And that's good news, right? 'Productivity is for robots, what we're really good at, is wasting time.' And that's exactly how it is.
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