How to measure the success of your blog
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:17 am
Do you know how to measure the success of your blog? Pure traffic is not the key factor. I present four indicators that will help you better measure whether your actions are getting good results.
Carlos Bravo13
The indicator of a corporate blog is not only traffic. Traffic only reflects that there is movement on your blog, which is not the same as activity. This only means that web positioning is working. As I have already mentioned, SEO is not the solution to your problems. You have to choose the indicators that reflect both activity and attention from your blog visitors:
Measuring success on your blog
Comments/visits : reflects that you are able to provoke a korea number phone reaction from the reader. The reaction can be negative but I honestly prefer it, because it gives you the opportunity to communicate when you are criticized.
Clicks/Subscriptions – Limiting the indicator to the number of subscribers only shows you whether you have gained a lot of subscribers because the RSS button has an eye-catching design. Only people who are interested in your company and its activities click on it. A good ratio shows your ability to activate your subscribers.
Page views/user : A blog usually has an average of 2 page views per user. The average is usually much lower than the average for a website or portal due to the structure. If you have a blog, you usually get at least a ratio of 2. Apart from the quality of your content, the key factor is usability to improve the ratio.
Trackbacks : Trackbacks directly show the links that a blog post has received. Once again, this shows whether you are able to generate attention in the blogosphere and whether you are perceived as relevant. At first it is difficult to receive many links (=trackbacks) because only a few people read your blog.
The criteria are valid for both personal and corporate blogs . What other criteria do you suggest for measuring the success of a blog?
Carlos Bravo13
The indicator of a corporate blog is not only traffic. Traffic only reflects that there is movement on your blog, which is not the same as activity. This only means that web positioning is working. As I have already mentioned, SEO is not the solution to your problems. You have to choose the indicators that reflect both activity and attention from your blog visitors:
Measuring success on your blog
Comments/visits : reflects that you are able to provoke a korea number phone reaction from the reader. The reaction can be negative but I honestly prefer it, because it gives you the opportunity to communicate when you are criticized.
Clicks/Subscriptions – Limiting the indicator to the number of subscribers only shows you whether you have gained a lot of subscribers because the RSS button has an eye-catching design. Only people who are interested in your company and its activities click on it. A good ratio shows your ability to activate your subscribers.
Page views/user : A blog usually has an average of 2 page views per user. The average is usually much lower than the average for a website or portal due to the structure. If you have a blog, you usually get at least a ratio of 2. Apart from the quality of your content, the key factor is usability to improve the ratio.
Trackbacks : Trackbacks directly show the links that a blog post has received. Once again, this shows whether you are able to generate attention in the blogosphere and whether you are perceived as relevant. At first it is difficult to receive many links (=trackbacks) because only a few people read your blog.
The criteria are valid for both personal and corporate blogs . What other criteria do you suggest for measuring the success of a blog?