3 reasons to write posts for “dummies”

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3 reasons to write posts for “dummies”

Post by Abdur12 »

If you want to write for a broad audience within your sector, start by writing about the basics. Although these may be simple things for you, for most people who are interested in the topic, they are not. I estimate that less than 20% of your target audience will be able to understand the content of your post if you start writing about topics that are too specialized and require an expert level from the reader.

Carlos Bravo16
I admit that I like to write posts when I discover something new about how Google works, an SEO trick , how to improve your blog, etc. At first, I wrote a higher percentage of posts that already required a medium to high knowledge base within a topic. I thought that that post was going to be able to get a lot of attention because I had discovered something really new that no one had written about before. Now I tell you something: I was very wrong! Here are 3 reasons not to write “expert” level posts.

blog content for dummies

1. Your readers won't be able to follow you : Not everyone is korea mobile number an "expert" on a topic. You have to write with the understanding that from time to time you have to explain terms and give definitions , putting things into context to convey the important messages of the article.

2. The post doesn't generate interest and will get few views : If you discover something new that you and 5 other people think is great (but they will never see your post anyway), don't expect to get many views. If you write for a small audience, the views you will obviously get will be very limited.

3. Content not suitable for search engines : Experts often write in an “expert” way, using keywords that a “normal” user would not use. If no one searches with the terms you use in your posts, you will be practically invisible to search engines.

What do you think about writing posts for “dummies”?

TAGS blog for dummies posts for dummies writing content
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AUTHOR Carlos BravoCarlos Bravo
I like doing things. I launch projects, create companies, write books and run marathons. If you want to know the things I haven't mentioned yet, you should keep reading.
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Adalberto_Colombia 14 years old
I think this is a mistake that sometimes occurs on blogs that explain SEO or CSS and HTML, the topics of which are very technical and difficult to digest for beginners. Assuming your readers' limited knowledge means saving them from "dumb" questions.
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