77+1 simple tips to improve your blog now

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77+1 simple tips to improve your blog now

Post by Abdur12 »

In this post I share some of the tasks and actions I am taking to constantly improve this blog. Creating a blog has to be done with a minimum 1-year vision. Here are my 77 tips to take your blog to the next level in 2012.

Carlos Bravo24
Creating a blog and having success with it is not an easy task. Above all, it is not something that can be achieved overnight. You have to be consistent and not give up after the first week of launching it . In a brainstorming session I recapitulated things and tasks that I am doing or that I have planned for this blog. As you already know, the best of marketingguerrilla.es is yet to come. Here are my 77 tips to improve your blog starting today:

become a better blogger

1. Read 1 hour a day.

2. Practice sports.

3. Put external links.

4. Put internal links.

5. Use H, H2 and H3 tags in titles.

6. Create memorable titles.

7. Write in a scannable manner.

8. Use simple language.

9. Invite external authors.

10. Participate in kenya phone numbers third party blogs.

11. Post once a day.

12. Use photos in posts.

13. Respect the copyright of third parties.

14. Individualize the blog design.

15. Facilitate the distribution of content through social networks.

16. Promote content via Twitter.

17. Integrate the blog with Linkedin.

18. Write an “about me” page.

19. Use tags with relevant keywords.

20. Make use of an editorial calendar.

21. Schedule posts.

22. Get followers on Twitter.

23. Link Wikipedia articles.

24. Comment on other blogs.

25. Participate in forums.

26. Ask friends and family for feedback.

27. Writing for dummies.

28. Use lists.

29. Create infographics.

30. Reference your blog in your email signature.
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