Why promoting others brings you followers for your blog and the smartest way to do it

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Why promoting others brings you followers for your blog and the smartest way to do it

Post by Abdur12 »

Don't get too hung up on promoting your blog. Start by sharing and sharing third-party content to make a profit for yourself.

Carlos Bravo36
I received an email yesterday from a reader who asked me for permission to comment daily on this blog. I thought it was a strange request since I should be thanking him for his initiative.

Promote third party blogsPhoto rights by Fotolia

As a blogger, I am interested in reader participation because it shows that there is life in the blog and I should thank each and every one of you who takes the time to participate in this blog (something I should do more often).

The reason he asked my permission was that he felt he was getting more out of leaving his thoughts on this blog than I could in return. He told me that every time he commented on this blog and shared its jordan email list content he gained new followers, which also generated visits to his own blog.

What you get from promoting others without expecting anything in return
As you can see, this brief exchange of emails inspired me to write a post, given that participation in third-party blogs is a win-win model that beginners in particular should benefit from.

You position yourself as a reference : you will never be able to write as many posts per day as there are tweets that can be shared with third-party content. If you want to position yourself in your field, spread everything that provides value for third parties, even if it does not come from your own keyboard.
What you sow comes next : over time you build up a kind of debt with the bloggers you continually promote. It is true that some never get to pay it back, but if those who benefit from your dissemination of their content are not stupid, sooner or later they will thank you. What you sow comes next through the promotion of those who received it in the first place.
You build trust with your followers : Sharing content without expecting anything in return for a long time builds trust. This helps you when it comes to spreading tweets that include articles from your own blog.
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