the expert highlighted such important features
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:45 am
Differences between BIM and InfraBIM
When explaining the differences between information modeling of infrastructure and area objects, Irina Shchekanova highlighted two interesting terms used by Italian BIM specialists: “horizontal BIM” — capital construction objects for industrial and non-industrial purposes, and “vertical BIM” — linear objects. She also presented the event’s visitors with a list of differences that Italian experts highlight for objects in these categories.
At the same time, as:
Availability of libraries of parametric objects and elements for building construction, which phone numbers in france allow them to be assembled "like a constructor". Models of linear objects are based on extrusion along a three-dimensional curved line
The arrangement of elements in the BIM model of a building is specified in a three-dimensional coordinate system, distributed by levels. It is not possible to structure linear objects by levels, since there are too many of them: at each point of a three-dimensional curved line there will be unique coordinates
In the construction of area objects, the relief plays a secondary role. For linear objects, the relief is a fundamental factor influencing the structure and cost of the project
In the IFC 2×3 and IFC 4.x formats, classes describing building elements are very well defined. For roads, bridges and other objects, there is no direct correspondence between model elements and entities in IFC 2×3, and in IFC 4.x it is expressed only partially
For a detailed analysis of the differences with examples in the form of real BIM models, watch the expert’s full presentation on the PRO TIM channel!
About software for development of CIM LO
Since other speakers at the BIM breakfast spoke in sufficient detail about the tools and methods of working in software for designing linear objects, Irina Shchekanova only reminded us about the products that exist on the modern market:
Software packages from IndorSoft, TOPOMATIC and KREDO for designing highways and railways, noise barriers, utility networks, culverts and developing CIM engineering surveys
S-INFO, Tangl and 7D Modeler for assembly of composite models, 4D and 5D modeling
The BIM specialist regretfully noted the lack of design systems specifically for the creation of bridges, overpasses, flyovers, tunnels and other similar objects.
BIM for estimating
Irina Shchekanova also shared how she and her team managed to compile estimates for an already completed project based on data obtained from the BIM model. To do this, they used the 5D Estimate program, which has a convenient tool for assigning prices to elements taking into account their distribution according to IFC classes.
The estimates were, of course, revised in other programs. However, 5D Estimate made the specialists' lives much easier, freeing them from the paperwork with statements of work volumes.
In conclusion of her speech, the expert thanked her team for the joint work they had done and wished her colleagues success in mastering information modeling technologies:
When explaining the differences between information modeling of infrastructure and area objects, Irina Shchekanova highlighted two interesting terms used by Italian BIM specialists: “horizontal BIM” — capital construction objects for industrial and non-industrial purposes, and “vertical BIM” — linear objects. She also presented the event’s visitors with a list of differences that Italian experts highlight for objects in these categories.
At the same time, as:
Availability of libraries of parametric objects and elements for building construction, which phone numbers in france allow them to be assembled "like a constructor". Models of linear objects are based on extrusion along a three-dimensional curved line
The arrangement of elements in the BIM model of a building is specified in a three-dimensional coordinate system, distributed by levels. It is not possible to structure linear objects by levels, since there are too many of them: at each point of a three-dimensional curved line there will be unique coordinates
In the construction of area objects, the relief plays a secondary role. For linear objects, the relief is a fundamental factor influencing the structure and cost of the project
In the IFC 2×3 and IFC 4.x formats, classes describing building elements are very well defined. For roads, bridges and other objects, there is no direct correspondence between model elements and entities in IFC 2×3, and in IFC 4.x it is expressed only partially
For a detailed analysis of the differences with examples in the form of real BIM models, watch the expert’s full presentation on the PRO TIM channel!
About software for development of CIM LO
Since other speakers at the BIM breakfast spoke in sufficient detail about the tools and methods of working in software for designing linear objects, Irina Shchekanova only reminded us about the products that exist on the modern market:
Software packages from IndorSoft, TOPOMATIC and KREDO for designing highways and railways, noise barriers, utility networks, culverts and developing CIM engineering surveys
S-INFO, Tangl and 7D Modeler for assembly of composite models, 4D and 5D modeling
The BIM specialist regretfully noted the lack of design systems specifically for the creation of bridges, overpasses, flyovers, tunnels and other similar objects.
BIM for estimating
Irina Shchekanova also shared how she and her team managed to compile estimates for an already completed project based on data obtained from the BIM model. To do this, they used the 5D Estimate program, which has a convenient tool for assigning prices to elements taking into account their distribution according to IFC classes.
The estimates were, of course, revised in other programs. However, 5D Estimate made the specialists' lives much easier, freeing them from the paperwork with statements of work volumes.
In conclusion of her speech, the expert thanked her team for the joint work they had done and wished her colleagues success in mastering information modeling technologies: