This way your customers will look back on their purchases more positively
There are two ways to do this. You can of course give a discount on your products and literally make your products cheaper than the target price. This way the customer gets your product for a lower amount than he expected. Another way to deal with this is to convince the accountant why your product should be paid more than other products in the same category. Your customers will look back on their purchase much more positively if you can convince their imaginary accountant of this.
You can do this convincing by making it very clear why your product is worth more than other products. If the accountant is convinced that the added value of your product cannot be found anywhere else, he will not feel those few extra euros. A good example of this is the advertisement below for Pringles Multigrain. Pringles positions this new product as a product that is much better than the existing offer and therefore as a product that deserves a higher target.
In addition to dividing the income into different pots, hong kong mobile number the accountant also distinguishes where the money comes from. You may recognize that you distinguish between money in your savings account and money in your checking account. Our imaginary accountant does this too.
You can do something about this by looking at the types of purchases that people often save for. These are often expensive ' high involvement' purchases', such as a new car or a renovation of the house. The accountant does not like spending his savings at all. He has spent a long time saving up a large amount of money and now that it is time to part with it, it turns out that he has become somewhat attached to the amount. The fact that he has to part with it does not make him happy. Sure, he gets something nice in return, but secretly he would still like to get an encouraging pat on the back when he spends his savings.
So here is an opportunity for you as a marketer to ease the pain he feels. You can do this by making it extra clear what great things he gets in return for his money and how good he will feel about it. For example, place photos on your communication channels of people laughing and using your product to give him a good feeling. You can also place positive customer reviews to convince him that he really gets a great product in return. If you succeed in removing his doubts in this way, he will feel much better about buying your product.