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Why I'm Launching a Second Personal Blog About Running Marathons

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:15 am
by Abdur12
I'm launching my second personal blog soon. Yes, it's probably crazy to get into more stories but I'm really looking forward to this new project.

Carlos Bravo25
“Because you have discovered a way to sleep only 2 hours a day or you are participating in an experiment to create clones of yourself” is probably the first thing that will cross your mind if you are a regular reader of this blog.

Running blogPhoto rights by Fotolia

No, not at all. I've been mulling over the idea of ​​launching a second blog for a while now . At first I thought it would be another online marketing blog but attacking the German market, which is much more competitive. A little over 24 hours ago I made the decision that it would be a blog for runners focused on the marathon theme. I have many reasons for doing so.

Contents [ hide ]

1 I feel like launching a second blog
2 I want to share my second passion
3 Get out of my comfort zone
4 I want to continue learning in new fields
5 Perfect Excuses to Go Running
6 Synergies with existing activities
I feel like launching a second blog
I can't sum it up any better. I have the feeling that japanese phone number list it's a good time to do it. With this blog I'm far from having reached a ceiling but it's mature enough to start from scratch with a new project. It doesn't mean that I'll neglect this one because as you know I've just launched a survey to carry out significant improvements soon.

I want to share my second passion
Apart from blogging and launching online projects, my other great passion is running. I have completed 10 42-kilometer marathons (I mention the distance because in Spain everything is called a “marathon”) in 8 years, although the last one was over a year and a half ago. I am a marathon runner as much as I am a blogger, which seems like a surprising coincidence.