Why I love blogging despite its dark side

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Why I love blogging despite its dark side

Post by Abdur12 »

I'm into blogging. If you're a regular reader, you already know that. It's not all rosy. There's also a dark side to having a blog.

Carlos Bravo23
A blog, for what? This is probably the question that 50% of the Spanish population would ask you. The other 49.9% probably wouldn't know what you're talking about. Considering that 99.9% of Spaniards don't have a blog, you can already consider yourself the "elite" of blogging in Spain.

Blogging is coolPhoto rights by Fotolia

Even though you still have few visitors, you are in the top 0.1% of bloggers in this country. Statistics can work wonders, if not, just ask the politicians. But well, that's another topic, let's leave it for another time.

The dark side of blogging
You may have noticed that I'm into this blogging thing. Well, if japanese phone number this is your first time here, now you know. Those who read me frequently know that not everything is rosy in the blogosphere. The good is appreciated because the bad also exists.

It's addictive and time-consuming - time-stealing is a harsh word for something you enjoy. But the minutes and hours you spend writing could be spent doing other things: playing sports, spending time with your family, watching TV, reading a book or just doing nothing. For me not writing is not an option, so even if I'm not having a good day, I write.
It creates a lot of work for you that you don't get paid for : when things start to go well, there will come a time when you start to get stressed. You don't manage to respond to all the comments on time, you don't communicate on social networks, you have accumulated emails from readers, etc. Most people understand that a blogger has a life apart from the blog. Some readers lack empathy. Ending an email with "I hope for a prompt response" without a closing greeting is not the worst example I could mention.
It makes you suffer and despair : and it's not just some rather strange reactions from people who think your time is worthless. The more you expose yourself, the more vulnerable you are. I've had moments where I thought it's not worth it. "I'll go back to Switzerland and close the blog." Well, honestly, it was once and it took me 20 seconds to think that, but at that moment I was ready...
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