To adapt the organization so that teams can work unhindered

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To adapt the organization so that teams can work unhindered

Post by arzina998 »

Softer way of leadership
The elimination of departments creates a change in management. Leadership in an agile environment requires adopting a different attitude and delivering different results, so that the solution teams can accelerate. They do this by:

Making customer feedback available
Communicating a clear vision
Before the transformation, Delta NV had an organizational structure like many other utility companies with many layers of management: a hierarchical structure. In order to really implement agile working, management had to adopt a facilitating role and a softer style of leadership. Managers had read up on agile rituals, but had never really done it. The first few times it was a bit of a drag, a different attitude does not happen overnight. The result was a manager who is more motivated. Other aspects also came to light. For example, it quickly became clear when someone was not doing well on a personal level. Because you hk phone number work together as a team, instead of operating on separate islands, this is noticeable.

Advantages and disadvantages of agile transformation
Agile working by definition has greater advantages than the costs incurred. In general, the following list of advantages and disadvantages occurs in companies that make the agile switch. What specific advantages and disadvantages did Delta NV encounter?

Also read: Agile working: a look back & the trends for 2018
Pain equals effort
Where sometimes one department feels the pain of change and the rest do not, in a general agile transformation it is the entire organization that has to go through the transformation. Everyone feels the pain of change. Responsibility for the success or failure of the transformation therefore lies with the entire organization. This sense of responsibility generally ensures an accelerated process.

The pain of change specifically ensured that Delta NV completed the agile process in a year and a half. Originally, a longer trajectory had been mapped out. However, the transformation caused such friction between the agile workers and the non-agile workers that the entire organization transformed at an accelerated pace. The shared responsibility also ensured that people felt comfortable expressing their own opinions. They even started to spontaneously pitch ideas. The key to innovation.
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