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The goal: Sell to them by helping them decide. By giving them president email lists navigation paths that lead to purchases, such as other people who bought the same product and products similar to the one they're currently looking at, these customers will be happy just to click and think about what they might buy next time.
These people don't need much help figuring out what they'd like; it's mostly about giving them an extra push in the right direction. If you can get their attention and get them to consider an offer, they might make that purchase.
If they leave without making a purchase, don't be discouraged. Encourage them to leave you their email and build a relationship with them with an email campaign.
The indecisive customer will need a little help deciding what to buy. They often have a long list of requirements and will ask questions like "What is the best color?" or "What size do you recommend?"
The goal: Sell to them by meeting all their requirements and making them feel in control. Always ask these customers lots of questions so you can recommend the best products to them, and don't forget to give them plenty of time to think about their decision!
To make them happy, it might be worth creating a wish list type section where they can save all their favourite products to view and make decisions later and offering different filters to narrow down product selections by type.
They are usually delighted if you get that extra thing checked off their lists. You've managed to not only sell someone something but also relieve some stress! It's a lot more involved than selling to someone who already knows what they want, but you will have made them happy in return for their patience and guidance.