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How to make money from blogging for over 10 years – my personal strategy

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:19 am
by Abdur12
Sustaining a blog for months can be a challenge for many. Is it even possible to blog regularly for more than 10 years?

Carlos Bravo4
I haven't been blogging for 10 years yet, but those who know me know that I may have gone beyond that. I consider blogging more as a lifestyle than a project.

10th birthday blogPhoto rights by Fotolia

Many bloggers give up after a few weeks, but it is possible to last beyond these first few days if you are determined . No one thinks about having a blog for more than 10 years because it simply doesn't make sense to plan for so long due to the unexpected events that can arise, changes in interests and the twists and turns that your life can take.

Contents [ disguise ]

1 You are a blogger for passion, not for money
2 I have a broad definition of the benefit received
3 I don't always do what I should but what I feel like doing
You are a blogger for passion, not for money
We all like to earn money. In the end, it is a survival japan phone number list activity because we have to pay the mortgage and cover daily expenses. We have to make a living, that is clear.

But when we talk about the long term, you have to find a motivation beyond the economic. In our daily lives, we are driven by our passions. We are capable of getting excited about “nonsense” or at least that is how a person who does not share the same passion would classify it.

You are a blogger because you like to write, because you like to be read, because it is a way of leaving a small mark on the world. Even if your blog has no visitors today, a small piece of your content may change the life of another human being that you don't know at all tomorrow.

I have a broad definition of the benefit received
That's the magic of blogging. That's why I write every day. My definition of profit is therefore not purely economic, although today I am able to live the life I have always wanted.

I don't have yachts or Ferraris, but I don't need them either. Profit is also measured in karma . When you receive a message from a reader telling you that thanks to your content they have started a blog, started running, launched a start-up , etc., you realise that words can generate actions in other people and that is something that is priceless .