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Optimization of the assortment of the online store

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:30 am
by subornaakter10
Optimization of the assortment implies quantitative and qualitative changes aimed at increasing its balance and audience interest. The head of the sales department, financial director, marketer, and production director participate in this process. In case of disagreement, a vote is held.

Optimization is performed using one of telegram in the philippines three main methods.




The choice of method depends on many factors: the general economic situation in the region, the solvency of the population, the resources of the store. In a favorable economic situation, the assortment is updated and expanded more often.


When the population's income decreases and there is an economic recession, the opposite procedure is usually performed - a reduction in the range. At the same time, the exclusion of certain product positions must be justified, first of all, expensive, image goods, products with low demand and low profitability are abandoned.

Optimization of the assortment of the online store

In many cases, low demand for a product is determined not by a lack of interest from buyers, but by other reasons: insufficient skills of the sales manager, excess stock in the warehouse, inflated prices, lack of promotions in the store that stimulate purchases. Before refusing to sell a certain product, it is necessary to evaluate its life cycle and sales period. The price list should not include products that do not attract customers and do not generate income.

Harmonization of the product range can also be carried out. This concept denotes a set of measures aimed at maximally bringing the actual offer closer to the ideal one. The experience of the largest and most successful global companies operating in the same niche is most often taken as the ideal model.

What is required for optimization
Optimization includes the following mandatory activities:

Evaluation of sales dynamics and demand structure. Data on both individual product items and their categories is checked. The degree of competition, existing demand and the dynamics of its change, the amount of goods sold at different points in time are studied. Based on the collected information, a list of measures is compiled to optimize the assortment.

Development of a sales plan. It includes saved product range items, taking into account the possibility of introducing new product models to the market.

Financial analysis of the plan. It is checked whether the planned changes can increase demand, increase sales volumes, help stand out from competitors. For this, financial calculations are made, on the basis of which the final conclusion is formed.

Coordination of the plan. The project is approved by the directors of individual divisions of the company and the CEO.

The decision to include new products or exclude certain items from the range is made on the basis of economic analysis data. The main question that needs to be answered is whether the planned changes are capable of increasing revenue and profit, since it is precisely in obtaining them that the goal of any commercial company lies.

To find the best options, you need to anticipate changes in demand, research customer interests, analyze sales profitability, monitor competitors' work and new products from manufacturers.