Search for keywords with SEMrush Keyword Magic tool - Historical

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Search for keywords with SEMrush Keyword Magic tool - Historical

Post by rochon.a1.119 »

So, title keywords should have a higher volume, heading keywords should have a slightly lower volume, and text keywords should be those with the lowest volume.

To learn more about how to find low competition keywords click here .

As you go through your list, click the '+' button next to the keywords you like the most to send them to Keyword Strategy Builder , which is a kind of keyword repository where you can study your keywords in more depth.

Search for keywords with SEMrush Keyword Magic tool and Keyword manager

In case you think you've missed something in your research, you slovenia mobile database can always go back to previous results using the history at the bottom and double-check the keywords you searched for previously.

In Keyword Strategy Builder, click 'Refresh Metrics' to update your keyword data.

Calculate the selected keywords in terms of volume, difficulty, click potential and main competitors:

Research Keywords with SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool - Update Metrics

Next, start narrowing down your list until you end up with two or three keywords that are “clickable.
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