Upselling techniques

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Upselling techniques

Post by subornaakter10 »

Upsell is the stimulation of the buyer to purchase a more expensive model of the product than the one for which the customer initially came to the store. Another option is to encourage the visitor to purchase several units of one product instead of one.

A simple example. A customer came to a computer store, guided by an ad about a sale of system units for 30,000 rubles. A competent manager will first find out the needs of the buyer, and then, based on them, tell about the advantages of the system unit model in the assembly for 50,000 rubles, and this comparison will not be whatsapp number canada in favor of the model for 30,000 rubles. Also, if the buyer wants to buy one hard drive, you can offer to buy two such devices at once if the client constantly downloads new high-quality films from the Internet and stores them on his computer.

Downselling is another strategy used to market store sales. It involves offering a customer a more affordable product than the one they were initially interested in. This tactic is usually used to encourage a person to make a purchase even if the product they are interested in is out of their price range.


Example. A customer wants to buy a TV that costs 45,000 rubles, but this price is too high for him. Then the manager should tell about an analogue for 35,000 rubles, and its description will be such as to prove that it is no worse than the desired model.

Crossell – offering the client a related product. If the client buys a phone, he can easily be persuaded to buy a headset, protective glass, case. You can also offer another product from a similar category, for example, a USB flash drive. This can significantly increase the total bill.

Magnet on top – an increase in the average check amount, achieved through an offer to purchase a product for a specified amount, upon reaching which some bonus, gift, etc. is provided.

Example. A customer bought a phone, headphones and a flash drive, for all of this he paid 22,700 rubles. The manager explains to the client that for a purchase of 25,000 rubles, the store will give a gift in the form of a certificate, a branded baseball cap, a subscription to a gaming club. After this, the visitor buys a case for 3,000 rubles, reaches the specified amount and receives a bonus.

Upselling techniques

For all these situations, detailed scripts and checklists should be developed, thanks to which it will be possible to control the employees' execution of these instructions. Their observance should be linked to the amount of remuneration received by the staff. In this case, an additional sale can be made on another day, but one should strive to minimize the resulting time gap between purchases.
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