Salary is the engine that makes people look for a new job. Quite often at an interview you can hear the unusual words "gross" and "no". What does this mean and why employers indicate gross salary every now and then, we will figure out in the article.
What is gross salary
What is salary no
What salary do employers and job seekers indicate?
How to calculate salary no
Which salary is more profitable: gross or taiwan mobile number example not
Gross salary in hand: does this happen?
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No guarantees.
Unscrupulous customers of services can easily terminate the contract with you, pay only part of the amount, or leave you without money for the work done.
There are objective cases when a civil-law contract is really necessary. But if you are looking for a permanent job with a stable income and social protection, then it is worth looking for companies that strictly comply with labor laws.
The more transparent the procedure for calculating income, the better for the employee. The salary does not allow you to plan your future expenses more effectively. But do not think that the gross salary is something unnecessary. It shows your value as a specialist in the labor market and reflects real income.