In this practical episode of the SEO Podcast, I’ll show you how to effectively find and use different types of keywords to improve your website or online store’s visibility in Google Search. I’ll explain what single keywords, long-tail keywords, seasonal keywords, and local keywords are, and then I’ll explain when you should use each type of keyword to better match
top telegram services provider in saudi arabia intent. We’ll take a closer look at different search intents and show you how to recognize user needs in order to choose the right keywords and long-tail keywords for their search queries. I’ll also show you how to use Google Search Suggestions to create content tailored to users’ actual queries, and I’ll walk you through keyword research tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner, Google Trends, Senuto, Semstorm, Ahrefs, Semrush, ChatGPT, and Google Search Console. Finally, we will check what phrases your competition is positioning for and which subpages on the website or categories and products in the online store are positioned by them in the TOP 10 position.
The basic, but above all very important activity during positioning is the appropriate selection of keywords and long-tail phrases, which play a huge role and to a large extent determine the amount of return on investment that must be made to achieve a long-term effect.
In this episode of the SEO Podcast, we'll discuss Google search engine user intent and then translate that into keyword selection using the various tools we'll use.
Depending on the user's intent, we'll select appropriate keywords and long-tail phrases, and discuss where they should be placed to drive traffic from Google.
In this episode, I'll share with you my approach to choosing phrases. You'll learn about my techniques and methods that I use in my work.