Ten Tips for Getting Featured Snippets
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 4:29 am
You need to create texts within a conversational context, just as I have been doing when writing this useful article for SEMrush.
You must ask questions and offer concise answers within the article, using friendly, explanatory and human language.
Use synonyms for the keywords you want to appear in featured snippets for. Rankbrain learns from synonyms and new searches. The richer the semantics, the more likely you are to get position 0.
Create content with a structure that Google likes. That is, list of phone number in philippines subtitles, lists, tables with columns… Only in this way will Google better understand the intention of your article in order to show the user a summary of the answer within a featured snippet.
Create the question and answer you'd like to appear within the snippet. For example, look at the first subtitle of this article to see the intent
behind it: What is a featured snippet? It's prime fodder for a featured snippet, right?
The answer you need to apply after the subtitle should be digested in about 50 words so that it occupies the characters inside the featured snippet. This is not an exact rule but it can serve as a reference.

Find keywords that could be an opportunity to appear in a featured snippet. In this field, SEMrush is vital with the Position Tracking Tool that it offers us.
Just like in journalism, use the 6 W's in your headline or subheading, i.e. What?, How? When? Who?, Where? Why?
In addition to the 6 Ws, you can use Answer the Public to find out what questions your target audience might ask. The diagrams it provides will help you gain valuable insights that will guide you to finding new opportunities.
Define the main idea at the beginning of the content. This way, you will have a better chance of being detected and appearing in position 0.
Now that you know how to appear in featured snippets, let's see how SEMrush can help us get them.
You must ask questions and offer concise answers within the article, using friendly, explanatory and human language.
Use synonyms for the keywords you want to appear in featured snippets for. Rankbrain learns from synonyms and new searches. The richer the semantics, the more likely you are to get position 0.
Create content with a structure that Google likes. That is, list of phone number in philippines subtitles, lists, tables with columns… Only in this way will Google better understand the intention of your article in order to show the user a summary of the answer within a featured snippet.
Create the question and answer you'd like to appear within the snippet. For example, look at the first subtitle of this article to see the intent
behind it: What is a featured snippet? It's prime fodder for a featured snippet, right?
The answer you need to apply after the subtitle should be digested in about 50 words so that it occupies the characters inside the featured snippet. This is not an exact rule but it can serve as a reference.

Find keywords that could be an opportunity to appear in a featured snippet. In this field, SEMrush is vital with the Position Tracking Tool that it offers us.
Just like in journalism, use the 6 W's in your headline or subheading, i.e. What?, How? When? Who?, Where? Why?
In addition to the 6 Ws, you can use Answer the Public to find out what questions your target audience might ask. The diagrams it provides will help you gain valuable insights that will guide you to finding new opportunities.
Define the main idea at the beginning of the content. This way, you will have a better chance of being detected and appearing in position 0.
Now that you know how to appear in featured snippets, let's see how SEMrush can help us get them.