Each research subtopic tab gives you the article headlines related to the target topic that have the most backlinks.
SEO Friendly Content - Title
Click on the speaker icon next to the headline and a pop-up will open with data showing the strength of the headline based on the number of backlinks it has focused on your audience.
Apply SEO recommendations
Now that you have some ideas about what you're going to write about and a headline in mind, it's time to move on to the next step: creating the content.
Don't forget to consider a few more things:
Estimate the appropriate length for your content.
Determine the degree of difficulty of the language/vocabulary to be used.
How to help your audience find your content in the latest Google rankings.
We have developed a template called SEO Content Template to help you find the solution to these questions.
The tool is basically a personalized list of SEO recommendations for your future content, but it offers you much more than that.
You can configure the settings for this template from the “Favorite Ideas” section found in your Topic Research area or go directly to the tool and type in the topic you have in mind.
SEO Friendly Content - Favorite Ideas
Learn from your rivals
Being cautious is worth twice as much.
When you know exactly what your competitors are writing about, you can always jump in or create content from a different perspective to attract more people.
The data in our SEO Content Template tool is based on the top 10 competitors in Google that rank for keywords you have defined in the tool.
The data you see is a list of your top 10 competitors on Google for each keyword you chose.
SEO Friendly Content - Competitors
Plus, you can see how your competitors are using your keywords in their italy mobile number example content.
You don't need to open a bunch of new tabs in your browser, you have all the necessary information on one page.
SEO Friendly Content - Competitors Keywords
Decide what type of language to use and what length is appropriate
Experienced copywriters know what length content should be for their target audience, as well as the difficulty level of the language used based on demographic studies.
In this way, they ensure that their storytelling reaches as many people as possible.
Can we help you from Semrush in these areas?

Our SEO Content Template tool gives you pointers (which you will find in the next section, called “Key recommendations”) on semantically related words to enrich your text, as well as the level of readability achieved, the length of the text and possible sites from which to obtain backlinks .
SEO Friendly Content - Recommended Keywords
Get more practical SEO tips
We all know how important it is to get the maximum visibility possible in Google search results, but for those who don't have much experience in SEO, some practical SEO tips can help you create useful content and improve your optimization strategy.
The SEO Content Template tool offers advice related to the length of your page title, meta description, and keyword usage in the title, meta description, H1, and within the text itself.
SEO Friendly Content – Keywords tips
Make sure your text is SEO friendly before publishing it