The knowledge of data, technology, machine learning and artificial intelligence is present.
The company is above average in using user data.
Within the organizational culture, teams are encouraged to experiment.
The experiment revolved around the question of whether Discover Weekly would provide value to the customer.
Spotify understands that its competitors will soon be able to do this as well, and is not resting on its laurels, but is innovating diligently.
Spotify achieves this by working agile. And realize: this is not about the technological solution, or about digitizing your business model. It is a new way of running an organization.
Solutions to complex problems are generated by continuous collaboration between people, not by any one individual.
Work is done in an iterative manner and based on continuous interaction with the customer, which allows the organization to continuously – and sometimes even in real time – improve the product.
It's not about doing more work in less time. It's about generating more value with less work.
This is the core of agile working. And according to Denning, this method revolves around three laws.
Also read: 5 agile trends & what companies can do with them
The 3 laws of agile management
Denning defines three laws that companies that have embraced agile operate by:
The Law of the Customer
The Law of the Network
The Law of the Small Team
Work should be done in small, autonomous, cross-functional teams that work on relatively small assignments in short cycles. Why? Work is too complex to be done by one soloist. You need the insights of people with different disciplines. It is essential that these teams are pleasantly composed and supported. So think carefully: what drives employees? What is a joyful workplace? How do people work best together?
The law doesn't just apply to internal belgium telegram data teams, by the way. The most brilliant thing about the iPhone is the technology platform for which Apple invited hundreds of thousands of small teams to come up with and (further) develop their own mini-applications.
The Law of the Customer
“Twentieth-century managers used to parrot that the customer was king, but they ran their companies as internally focused, top-down bureaucracies, primarily focused on shareholder value,” Denning said.

It is important to realize that companies revolve around the customer instead of the other way around. Just like Copernicus discovered that the earth revolved around the sun. In my report of the Agile Leadership Europe Event I also described this paradigm shift.
The Law of the Network
In an agile organization, competence can be found throughout all layers and innovation can occur anywhere. It is a network of high-performance teams and thus a learning organism that is constantly growing, learning and adapting.