TALENT DAYS : You probably still have that umbrella, right? Do you see any real differences between applying online and attending a job fair from your perspective on the fair?
GRZEGORZ: Yes, it chinese overseas africa number data
accompanies me on rainy days to this day! Participating in fairs will always be better. I believe that despite what the pandemic has changed - remote learning, working from home, direct contact is still the most important. We cannot replace the emotions and feelings that accompany us during a meeting with the Internet in any way. Face-to-face contact will always be better and more beneficial for both parties. From this 3-minute meeting, great business relations can already develop. A meeting will always be better than sending a CV, without a doubt.
TALENT DAYS: Regarding the face-to-face meeting, what advice would you give to others who are planning to attend a job fair?
GRZEGORZ: First of all, you need to be open to what you hear and prepare well in advance. Even clothing matters , because if someone comes in a stretched T-shirt and old jeans, their image automatically shows from the very beginning that something is wrong. A simple, neat T-shirt or shirt is enough to show yourself from the best side. Searching and being interested is key. Prepare a lot of questions , especially open-ended ones, because thanks to them we learn the most. Interest means that you care about the job, about achieving the goal, and not just about taking a candy, an umbrella and going home.
TALENT DAYS : How is it working in a foreign country and in your current company?
GRZEGORZ: I am very happy! August 10 marked 3 years since I started living and working in Vienna. The company has high expectations of its employees, but at the same time it offers and gives a lot in return. Additionally, no day is the same, there is a lot going on. The whole offer, benefits, support, connections - this is the real asset of this company. As a curiosity, I can say that the company employs 2 thousand people, of which about 200 are Poles. So this is a big plus for anyone looking for a job here - they will not feel lonely. Poles abroad often have a similar mindset, approach to life - a new country, travel, adventure. There is this approach: let's do something together, let's be active outside of work, so it is very cool.
TALENT DAYS : Support is invaluable! What skills or personal qualities do you think earned you the job?
GRZEGORZ: Hard skills played an important role - studies, education, knowledge of foreign languages, but on the other hand soft skills , such openness to people, to new challenges, facing them - that's the most important. Because when I want to achieve something, I sit down and act. This is something that I think has distinguished me. I set myself ambitious goals and I have a lot of courage to act. Our generation also has the advantage that we know foreign languages, we are not afraid, we have the opportunity to travel, to settle in the European Union - there are simply no such bureaucratic restrictions. The question is - do you want it? Do you care about it? If so, what stands in the way?
TALENT DAYS: These are questions that many young people have to answer when faced with the decision and dreams of starting a life in another country. Grzegorz, your inspiring story proves that nothing is impossible. We wish you much success and an equally positive environment!
Grzegorz raised important questions that you absolutely must ask yourself if you are considering a serious step towards a career and life outside of Poland.