The Google search

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The Google search

Post by arzina998 »

In support communities, there is often the possibility to ask questions about the product or service. These are almost exactly the same questions that people who are not yet customers also type into Google. Offering a question and answer forum as a functionality ensures that you are found for these types of long tail questions. The community manager can influence this even further by asking questions that are important (from the keyword strategy) but are not asked. He or she should also edit the questions that customers ask in the forum in such a way that they become well-flowing sentences that correspond with Google searches. Of course, this without doing violence to the content.

Moz does this very cleverly. This is a B2B organization that specializes in SEO. They offer companies tools to improve their SEO results, among other things. For them it is crucial that they are very hong kong mobile number search visible on long tail questions that have to do with SEO. These are potential customers. In order to be found, they deliberately use their forum with more than 600,000 members. If you search for ' ad words impact ranking ', the first result is immediately a question from their forum.

The Google search

Forum MOZ
The question in the MOZ customer community

2. Consideration phase: assessments
The second phase of the customer journey is the one in which the customer considers your product. Almost everyone bases this evaluation on what friends, family and like-minded people think. Are they positive? Then it must be a good product, is the reasoning. An online community helps to unlock the opinions, experiences and reviews of others like you.

Also read: Online communities: 7 remarkable trends for 2018
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