7 key factors that have helped me create a community around marketingguerrilla.es

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7 key factors that have helped me create a community around marketingguerrilla.es

Post by Abdur12 »

The art of blogging is not about generating traffic, but rather about getting readers and creating a community. In my case, there have been 7 key factors that have helped me achieve this.

Carlos Bravo24
Creating a community around a blog is probably one of the most complex tasks in the blogging world. There are manuals for doing SEO and increasing traffic, but this task is rather mechanical and cold.

Blog communityPhoto rights by Fotolia

What you need is something “sticky” that also reaches people’s hearts so that they dedicate to you the most valuable thing they have: their time.

The post “Should you integrate a blog into your online store domain or not?” is a good example of how a blog community works. It is the readers themselves who help each other to get answers to questions jewelry store email list that the blogger does not cover. To achieve this effect, I do not have any manual at hand. The only thing I can share is my experience and the steps I took to get to this point.


1 1. Get feedback from readers
2 2. Diffusion and interactions on a social media channel
3 3. Commenting on third-party blogs
4 4. Publish articles on other websites
5 5. Reply to readers' emails
6 6. Put a form to capture subscribers
7 7. Write series of articles
1. Get feedback from readers
The first comment that isn't from your mother, partner or friend first surprises you and then gives you enormous joy. A person you don't know at all has decided to comment on your blog. It's one of the best rewards you can receive as a blogger. Comments reflect life and it's just what you need to create a community. Would you go to a club where you're the only one dancing and drinking? Well, that's it...

Why not even your mother comments on your blog and what you can do about it
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