A/B testing is a cornerstone of email collection . Test different versions of your headline and call to action to get the maximum number of signups.
For example, you can A/B test the wording in your CTA.
Constantly A/B test your registration forms
A/B test the colors you use, the Hello Bar style type, the headline, and anything else that could affect conversions. This way, you’ll know you’re sending the right message to the right consumers.
Don’t stop after one test. You might come up with an even better CTA or headline. Test against the current winner to see how it performs. Hello Bar allows you to automatically A/B test different models. This also gives you a statistically significant “winner , ” so you don’t have to wade through mountains of data.
16. Create email drip campaigns to engage all subscribers to your new email list
Collecting emails isn't the end of the story. After you've collected emails from your target audience, you need to engage them with content.
Think of it as your second date. If you're no longer charming, funny, witty, warm, or kind, your date will likely drop by a third.
Email drip campaigns set you up for success from the start. You have a series of emails that you want to send to business owner database new subscribers on a regular basis, like once a week. After that series, you can “upgrade” your subscribers to a new drip campaign that will take them along the way.
Automating your email drip campaigns makes them even more indispensable. After all, you need to do more for your business than write emails all day.
Optimizing registration forms for mobile users is key to effective email collection.
Did you know that around 96.3% of global users access the internet via mobile phones and 94% do so via smartphones? That's a huge audience!
Mobile phone devices
Image via Statista
If your forms are mobile-friendly, people will easily sign up for your email list on the go. A smooth mobile experience makes it a breeze for users to join your email list, which increases conversion rates.