The Polish ICT market is expected to be worth PLN 43.5 billion by 2023.
ICT workers need to constantly acquire new skills and update thailand mobile database their knowledge to remain competitive.
Influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the place of residence is no longer a limitation when looking for a job, which led to a significant shortage of suitably qualified personnel in the ICT sector in Poland.
The emergence of new technologies using AI opens up many opportunities that can make work easier, but it is not impossible that it will cause disruptions in the ICT market.
The steadily increasing demand for innovative technologies and services should be a signal for ICT companies to improve their energy efficiency and move towards climate neutrality.
In these times, the feeling of security is especially important for ICT consumers.
The promulgation of the Electronic Communications Law (LCE) will mean the introduction of new regulations to which companies, entrepreneurs, investors, providers of electronic communications services and recipients of said services must comply.
More details below.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a branch of the economy that includes companies that base their activities on the production of goods and services that allow information to be recorded, processed, transmitted, reproduced or displayed electronically.
The ICT industry is one of the fastest growing economic sectors in Poland. According to forecasts, the Polish ICT market will reach a value of PLN 43.5 billion by 2023. The growing importance of the sector is linked to the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterised by the drive to combine material and digital resources to create cyber-physical systems.
Chart 2. Polish ICT market value in 2020-2023 (in billion PLN)